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Plan for your kids to be free from glasses!

5 - 17 years old : Ortho-K
18 years old & above : Laser Eye Surgery

Why spend more and more on changing glasses year after year, when you can do one-time investment on ORTHO-K?

Plan for your kids to be free from glasses!

Ortho-K Lenses are ideal for kids with...

Short-sightedness and power keep increasing

Short-sightedness and power keep increasing

Active daily routine such as sport

Active daily routine such as sport

Difficulties to focus in class

Difficulties to focus in class


Key Benefits of Ortho-K

Myopia Control
Daytime Freedom
Non-Surgical & Reversible
Reduced Dependence on Glasses


Key Benefits of Ortho-K


Sit & Watch!

Eye Examination For Kids

Eye Examination For Kids

Our Satisfied And Happy Patients

Our Satisfied And Happy Patients

Guideline For Ortho-K

Guideline For Ortho-K

I Want an Ortho-K For My Kids!

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