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You are our next candidate for Flapless Trust™ Laser Eye Surgery if you are…

18 years old and above

18 years old and above

Spectacle power must remain stable for 2 years

Spectacle power must remain stable for 2 years

Sufficient corneal thickness

Sufficient corneal thickness

Healthy eyes

Healthy eyes

Neither pregnant nor <6 months’ breastfeeding

Neither pregnant nor <6 months’ breastfeeding

Normal corneal topography

Normal corneal topography

Disclaimer: Individuals must weigh under 125kg to qualify for the treatment

Good news! Our Flapless Trust™ is…

Flapless procedure (No flap)
Swift blissful experience
Fast procedure within minutes!
Long-lasting and stable vision correction
Freedom from glasses or contact lenses, enhancing convenience and lifestyle


Good news! Our FlaplessTrust is…


Sit & Watch!

Watch Our Satisfied & Happy Flapless Trust’s Clients

Watch Our Satisfied & Happy Flapless Trust™’s Clients

Watch Flapless Trust’s Post-Operation Guideline

Watch Flapless Trust™’s Post-Operation Guideline

I’m Excited and Can’t Wait for Flapless Trust™!

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