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If you're considering LASIK or any laser eye surgeries but find yourself beyond the age limit of 50, RLE might be an appealing alternative.

This procedure replaces the clear natural lens of your eyes with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to correct your refractive error. The procedure for RLE is essentially identical to cataract surgery.

However, in the RLE procedure, the lens that is replaced is clear while cataract surgery replaces a cloudy lens. RLE is a daycare procedure.

If you're considering LASIK or any laser eye surgeries but find yourself beyond the age limit of 50, RLE might be an appealing alternative.

You are our next candidate for RLE if you are…

Individual with reading problem as an effect of an aging process

Individual with reading problem as an effect of an aging process

Power of spectacle must be stable for at least 2 years

Power of spectacle must be stable for at least 2 years

Age more than 50 years old and wanting to be free from glasses

Age more than 50 years old and wanting to be free from glasses

Healthy eyes

Healthy eyes


Benefits of our RLE

Free from glasses (near and far)!
Lifelong advantage - independent in daily routine
No more cataract surgery needed in the future
Cost effective: 1 time of lens exchange vs changing multifocal glasses multiple times + surgery
Quick procedure
Fast recovery process


Benefits of our RLE

I’m Excited and Can’t Wait for RLE!

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